ECA competence - A mean of dispute settlement for handball/sport related cases
The European Handball Court of Arbitration is competent to settle the following sport-related disputes through arbitration:
- Disputes arising in handball
The Rules of Arbitration for the ECA Statutes state that the ECA shall, upon request, settle:
Disputes, such as, but not limited to, arising between the EHF and national Handball Federations, the national Handball Federations among each other, national Handball Federations and their clubs as well as any disputes involving handball players, handball players' agent or handball clubs when they are related to cross-border facts or are emerging from the European Handball Federation competitions.
- Disputes arising in other sports area
The ECA may also declare being competent to decide upon disputes involving stakeholders from sports other than handball when it serves the protection of legal certainty, the principles of law as well as those governing the sport.