ECA Council and ECA Office
The ECA Council, made up of three members - one President and two Vice-Presidents - and an Office, has been created along with the ECA in order to safeguard its independence and the rights of the parties. One of the two Vice-Presidents is a representative of the stakeholder’s groups (the Professional Handball Board and the Women's Handball Board).
The ECA Council, besides having a role of representation of the ECA towards the EHF Congress, is mainly responsible for the administration of the European Handball Court of Arbitration, including in particular the following functions:
- Work structuring;
- Amendment of the ECA Procedural Rules;
- Confirmation of the nominated arbitrators after review of the legal criteria;
- Removal of arbitrators from the List;
- Appointment of substitute arbitrators;
- Appointment of arbitrators for interim measures of protection.
The ECA Council is currently managed by the following members:
- Mr. Michele Colucci, Belgium - President
- Ms. Marta Utor, Spain - Vice-President
- Mr. Rémy Lévy, France - Vice-President
ECA Office
Hoffingergasse 18
1120 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 (1) 80 151-114
Fax: +43 (1) 80 151-449
Email: office@eca-handball.com
Website: www.eca-handball.com